viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013


Percatarnos da melloría da estrutura do solo na superficie e sinxelo , basta tan so con observalo o longo dos anos, pero saber realmente si o resto de perfís do chan están ben estruturados solo  podemos confirmalo facendo unha calicata.Canta mais definición dos perfis, canto mais anchos sexan, mellor será a capacidade de aireación, de acumulación de auga, de desenvolvemento microbiano, e polo tanto maís resistencia fronte a fenómenos coma a seca e mellores serán os procesos de mineralización e absorción de nutrintes nas raíces das cepas.

Darnos cuenta de la mejoría de la estructura del suelo en la superficie es sencillo, basta con observarlo a lo largo de los años, pero saber realmente si el resto de perfiles del suelo están bien estructurados solo podemos confirmarlo haciendo una calicata. Cuanta mas definición de los perfiles, cuanto mas anchos sean, mejor será la capacidad de aireación, de acumulación de agua, de desenvolvimiento microbiano, y por lo tanto mas resistencia frente a sequías y mejores  serán los procesos de mineralización y absorción de nutrientes en las raíces de las cepas.

Realize the improvement of the soil’s structure on the surface is easy, look at it through the years is enough, but really know if the others soil layers are well structured can be only confirmed by doing a pit. The more defined the layers are, the wider they are, better will be the capacity for aeration, for water accumulation, for microbial development, therefore the resistance against the droughts will be also better, and the processes for mineralization and nutrients absorption by the roots of the strains will be improved as well.

          As tres cores do solo de Firvidelas. The three colours os Firvidelas soil.
 Firvidelas, quedeime moi sorprendido co definidos que están os tres perfís, nestes últimos dous anos ca seca tan dura que tivemos  xa me marabillaba a capacidade de resistencia que tiña a viña, e como en ningún momento se detivo o ciclo de crecemento das cepas nin a maduración das uvas, a verdade esta sempre no solo.Terra , terra , e respeto.

“Firvidelas”, I was really surprised with the definition of the three layers, as during the last two years with the hard drought that we suffered I was already amazed by the resistance capacity of this vineyard, and since the growing cycle of the strains of the maturation of the grapes were never stopped, the truth is always into the soil. Land, ground, respect.

Primeiro perfil, xa vemos a cor mais negra pese a ser chans sabregentos, bo contido en materia orgánica , xa son mais de 9 anos traballando cos cubertos vexetais e iso e determinante, raíces de plantas , material xa descomposto, vida microbiana.
First layer, we already see the blackest colour, even though these are stony soils; good content of organic material, already more than 9 years working with vegetal covers, that’s determining. Plants roots, decomposed material, microbial life.

Segundo perfil, moita arxila, fundamental para poder acumular reservas de agua que pouco a pouco se vaian filtrando cara a mai roca(roca madre), i esí ser absorbida xunto cos nutrintes polas raíces.

Second layer, much clay, fundamental in order to accumulate water resources that will be slowly filtered to the bedrock, allowing its absorption together with the nutrients by the roots.

Terceiro perfil, cor mais clara sábrego,arxila e anacos da roca mai(roca madre), moi mineral, perfecto.
Third layer, clearest stony colour, clay and bedrock pieces, much mineral, just perfect. 

Campo Redondo , este chan aínda non esta perfectamente estruturado, case e inapreciable o primeiro perfil, de aí a importancia en seguir traballando moi duro cos cubertos vexetais , restos do monte , preparados biodinámicos e maceracións de plantas.De tódolos xeitos  xa ten un bo proceso de evolución, e un chan moi complicado pero moi interesante dende o punto de vista da viticultura.

 Campo Redondo”, a soil not yet perfectly structured, with a first layer almost inappreciable, so it is really important keep on working really hard with vegetal covers, forest rests, biodynamic preparations and plants macerations. However, the evolution process has been good, is a really complicate soil but very interesting from a viticulture point of view.

Ainda so dous cores no chan de Campo Redondo.Only two colours in Campo Redondo soil´s

Primeiro perfil, moito xabrego (arenas) con débil contido en materia orgánica e tamén arxilas, e bastante ancho, necesita evolucionar
Segundo perfil, esta moi profundo ten que crecer cara a superficie, moita arxila e pedra.
Terceiro perfil,confúndese co segundo perfil so que cara a profundidade encontramos pedra, moita pedra solta, estamos ante un chan de aluvión ate a rocha mai(roca madre), e un profundo leito de pedra solta de diferentes orixes, granitos ,cuarzos, laxa…..

Seguimos observando e aprendendo.                        

First layer, much “sábrego” stones (sands) with low organic material content and also clay; wide enough, needs to evolve.
Second layer, is really deep and must grow up towards the surface, much clay and stone.
Third layer, confused with the second layer, although with the deep we found stone, a lot of stone pieces, we are in a “alluvium” soil to a bedrock, is a deep bedrock made of different origins, quartz, granite, slate…

We keep on watching and learning. 


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